By supporting BUILDSTRONG, you’ll also be supporting the Autism Strong Foundation’s mission: to provide the strongest support, community and hope for those touched by autism. All funds raised by Autism Strong are mindfully donated to our local community in the way that will make the greatest impact; connecting families and children to the resources they desperately need. This is done through scholarship grants for therapy coverage and Summer Camp tuition to children with autism when the family is unable to afford it.

NOTE ON TICKETS: We are proud to offer complimentary tickets for families that have an ASD diagnosis. These are listed under “Spectrum” and are on an honor system. Only those with a Spectrum ticket will be permitted to enter the festival during sensory friendly hours of 1-3pm.

Unable to attend? Make a donation.

Autism Strong Foundation’s mission is to provide the strongest support, community and hope for those touched by autism. All funds raised by Autism Strong are mindfully donated to our local community in the way that will make the greatest impact; connecting families and children to the resources they desperately need. This is done through scholarship grants for ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy coverage and Summer Camp tuition to children with autism when the family is unable to afford it. Your donation makes a LOCAL IMPACT.
